Written between Saturday, May 27th and Saturday, June 17th 2023
They were thinking and feeling very giddily about each other, both fantasizing intensely that they were soulmates. How strangely easy to visualize something so deep…to imagine that the imagined was indeed already materialized, despite their not knowing each other so long…like…at all! A few days! And thus, what grounds did they have to believe…so easily… with a reason-based conviction that this “love at first sight” thing existed beyond the imagination, in the dimensions of materialism and perception, and that they had both “fallen in love” with each other… “at first sight?”
In the words of Anthony Kiedis: “Easily, let’s get carried away/ Easily, let’s get married today.” Crazy easy and crazy as such. And the awareness of such intense fantasies, and how easy it is to “get carried away,” by them, and married, for example, only to get divorced, as so many people do — it is widely reported that in America roughly half of first marriages end in divorce and that some 60 percent of second marriages end in divorce…;… on the other hand, divorce rates have mostly been declining since 1980, however marriage rates have also been in decline. A headline circulating the news blogs online recently states that “Over the last fifty years the marriage rate in the U.S. has dropped by nearly 60 percent!”… and even those marriages that do not end in divorce… how many married people find themselves miserable and self-imprisoned? Even a plethora folks who aren’t married remain in “romantic” relationships they ultimately seem to resent…because…on the surface it seems easier than “being alone?” (As if they weren’t already so alone, deep down!) Because they like simply “having someone” to think of as a “partner,” “girlfriend,” “boyfriend,” “fuck buddy,” et cetera.
Our two protagonists did take pleasure in reminding themselves that the fate of a romantic relationship need not be so arbitrary and/or doomed, if one considers how “consciously” (to borrow phrasing from Dr. Robert A. Glover) we engage with it. How well do we know what we consider our green, yellow, and red flags, and how wise and self-loving are those determinations, and do we stand by our boundaries or do our desires for touch, attention, for that high we simply believe feels like being “in love” hijack our critical thinking in this realm of life?
Because they both possessed this awareness and discussed the importance of these points when contemplating their thoughts and feelings about their new and intense and exciting connection, they felt safe in proceeding with caution, treating the “love at first sight” feelings and thoughts as part of an intuition based hypothesis. Also, they admitted to themselves and each other: neither wanted to let go of the possibility, the dream, that they had indeed fallen madly in love with each other, and that it had happened “at first sight!” And that their intuitions served them that well! That their shadow work and manifesting abilities were that exceptionally advanced! Was this merely their desires and egos talking or were they on to something?