Written between Saturday, May 27th and Saturday, July 8th, 2023
It was 9:30 AM, hot and humid, but with a perfect breeze. Mark sat at the small table on the balcony of the beach front condo in South Beach that he and his wife Eva now shared, jointly “owned”… (“owned” in the legal sense as opposed to the metaphysical sense…that is to say, in the context egoless consciousness of the apparently, seemingly, probably ever expanding universe, there could be no actual, eternal “ownership” of any parcel of space…or any thing!)
Mark sipped black coffee from a white mug with the word “hubby” written on it in a black, cursive, script font, which Eva bought him for their first wedding anniversary. He stared at the turquoise oceanwater, the palm trees, the white sand, the expanse of coastline to his left and North, to his right and South, and the horizon straight ahead, to his East, and then he thought of Biscayne Bay and the mainland city of Miami behind him to his west…and he felt such love and gratitude.
Eva walked onto the balcony. “Hey babe,” she said, smiling. In about an hour she would be teaching Yin Yoga classes to folks staying at the Ritz-Carlton South Beach hotel. Same place he taught Qigong in the late afternoon. Neither of them taught for the money, which they didn’t need. They taught purely because they loved sharing their practices with others and didn’t mind the extra income.
Mark turned to Eva, also smiling. “Sup, yo?” he asked.
“Literally another day in paradise,” she said, walking to the other side of the table and sitting down and then taking one, long deep inhale, and one, long deep exhale. “I just want to make love to this life. And you,” she said, leaning towards him and surprising him with a deep, sensual kiss.
“Word, for real” he said, enjoying the passion in her kiss and kissing her with passion as well.
“Did you want to…do a little filming?” she asked, playfully winking. She was referring to their other more lucrative endeavor — the porn they produced together. It was a reality porn vlog site (which folks paid to be subscribed to) which documented much of their love and sex life, and their devotion to maintaining and enhancing the romance and eroticism between them. Inspired by the work of Lustery’s Paulita Pappel, their videos included more than just sex. Their videos included numerous conversations on their love and sex life. Much of the intention was activistic, a bold assertion of sex positivity, not just as something stumbled upon and/or learned by one’s self (as in…I’m simply interested in sex positivity, yo) but with conviction blazing through them, conviction that the porn they made would make the world not simply a better place, but a much, much healthier place!
Yes, for them, the best possible sex was a sign of the best possible holistic health and thus the interestingly most divine feeling motivation to keep one’s holistic health in as great a place as can be imagined with as much energy as can be cultivated.